Logotype Portfolio Natalia Martin
Gor logo

Banking WebApp

User Interface | Prototype
Design System | Branding
2023 Oct - 2024 May
Laptop with a ashlar screenshot from the website
I recently completed a design challenge as part of the recruitment process at a fintech company. The brief was to redesign the interface (also responsive) and create new features for an online banking system to help customers better understand their credit/debit card usage and behaviour. I was asked to present an interactive prototype including the homepage and the workflow of the most important function.

This case study will provide an in-depth look at my design process and the rationale behind my decisions, as well as the considerations that informed them.
color palette
color palette
We have integrated the primary colour of the logo into the colour palette, and included two variations of the primary tone to provide some dynamism and playfulness to the components of the app.
color palette
color palette
project process
Given the tight project schedule and that I was in charge of all stages, I adopted the double-diamond design process, moving quickly through the phases of problem understanding, solution divergence, decision making, prototyping/testing and delivery of the result.
App map for the all screens
defining solution
Rather than immediately undertaking user research, I initially conducted research into the fintech market with the objective of identifying potential areas for improvement in online digital banking products.

Secondary research
As people today move faster to digital channels and use the internet for daily use more frequently than yesterday, most banks already have digital banking platforms. The majority of banking and financial products have already reached a high level of functionality and offer a similar range of services to their users.

User research
To ascertain user opinions and identify their requirements, I conducted an online survey using SurveyMonkey to collect responses and data. The survey included a series of basic questions designed to gain insight into the consumer user of Coro Bank's services. It also included more in-depth questions aimed at understanding the problem.

User persona
full logonaming
redefining the problem
Based on the information I have gathered and synthesised, I have been able to redefine the original problem as follows:
color palette
app map
App map for the all screens
sketch of some screens
App map for the all screens
color palette
color palette
color palette
color palette
The Goro Bank WebApp project was a highly satisfactory undertaking from every perspective. From a user experience standpoint, it was intriguing to work in an entirely novel sector and to conduct research on both the competition and their users, engage in dialogue with them, and identify strategies for achieving results in alignment with the research objectives.

From an interface perspective, I found it rewarding to experiment with font tones, transparencies, and colors to establish a hierarchy. Additionally, I had to identify colours that were both appealing and harmonious. This entailed stepping outside my comfort zone and experimenting with shapes, reducing the size of various sections to a square format. I have been fascinated by the process of combining elements and testing millions of combinations.

As is often the case with projects, I believe there are aspects of this one that could be enhanced, such as the menu in the mobile and iPad versions.